Conger eel


Squiddy stirring up the viz

Large hermit crab

Portly spider crab with eggs

Grumpy blue crab

Octo on the move

Octo out for a stroll

Look at this sucka

Tautog "hiding"



Squid pals

We started on the left side for a bit and then made our way over to the right. I spotted a conger eel pretty early in the dive and then we swam around for a long time spotting a few squid here and there and several skates before I finally spotted an octopus. We swam with it for awhile, snapping away and then left it to enjoy its evening and moved on. That was mostly it for the dive - saw some small sea robins, a few more skates, one more eel, and not much else. Definitely getting chilly out there.