Okenia ascidicola

Scarlet psolus

Ocean pout

Slime worm

Sea peaches

Dead man's fingers

First dive at Halibut! We parked on the bend and hauled our gear out to the point. Immediately upon dropping under, I saw an Okenia ascidicola, which I had only seen a few times. I got some nice shots and then we headed straight out from the entry and hung a right at the bottom of the slope. This dive we saw tons of scarlet psolis, some lobsters (I'm definitely rusty at identifying shorts), and a small ocean pout. I was lining up a shot of a scarlet psolis when all of a sudden something darted away. I got a glance at it, so I was pretty sure it was a pout. I finished my shot of the psolis and then wandered over in the direction the pout headed. Sure enough, it was sitting right there posing for a few shots. That's now 2 straight dives with an ocean pout! On our way back from swapping tanks, we met some tourists from New Jersey who had lots of questions about our gear and what we were seeing. We chatted with them for a bit before heading back in for dive #2. We decided to mix it up for the second dive by hanging a left at the bottom of the slope. We found many more lobsters on this side including one that was just under the upper limit. I got some more shots of scarlet psolis and a big shorthorn sculpin sitting on a rock. Two nice dives!