See you on a future night dive, little ones!

Future inkfish


You talking to ME?

You talkin to me?

Big Little skate

Super tiny blood star

Rock gunnel

We arrived to thick fog and dead low tide, but generally nice conditions. We geared up and headed out 60 to go check out the pinnacle. It was kind of quiet - saw some flounders, tiny sculpin, some squid eggs, a juvenile rock gunnel, and a windowpane flounder. Mike found a massive lobster that was *just* over the upper limit - always fun to see the giant beasties. Viz was awful at the surface but opened up nicely below 15-20 feet. By the time we hit the water for dive #2, the fog had pretty much cleared so we were left with a comfortable overcast day. Mike wanted to cruise over to the left more this time so we headed out 0 to see what we could see. We swam in sand for awhile, before eventually finding the rocks at the edge of the sand channel. Not too much going on this dive, but I did find a skate and a very cooperative rock gunnel in a pipe. They closed the beach later in the day due to run-off...so that was comforting.