Windowpane Flounder

Eye see you

Shrimp hiding in a Magic Eye puzzle (squid mantle)

Little squid up in the water column

Staring contest


Squid face

Beautiful clear, calm night to go find some critters! Immediately upon dropping down, my shutter lever snapped, so I spent the whole dive pushing the shutter button directly. I also spotted a silver dollar sized windowpane immediately and did not have the camera ready. Per usual, I played with the snoot a bit and then got sick of it and just wanted to snap some more squid shots. We saw dozens of tiny squid in the water column and dozens more large squid in the sand and rocks. My best shots were of a monster squid that was perfectly content to just sit in the sand while I snapped away. I was able to capture some really amazing shots of its arms and eyes from the front with some rainbow coloration. Very nice. Saw a couple windowpanes, but not too many. The water column was full of salps and some interesting jelly-like things. Got chased around by a few clamworms at the end. Nice night!