Rock Gunnel
Rock Gunnel
Rock Gunnel
Rock Gunnel
Beautiful Northern Red Anemone
Beautiful Northern Red Anemone
Mouth of the Northern Red Anemone
Mouth of the Northern Red Anemone
Northern Cerianthid in the sand
Northern Cerianthid in the sand
Monstrous Portly Spider Crab
Monstrous Portly Spider Crab
Absolutely huge spider crab
Absolutely huge spider crab
This crab mostly ignored me poking and prodding it, but then emerged from the sand with a vengeance.
This crab mostly ignored me poking and prodding it, but then emerged from the sand with a vengeance.
I was very surprised when this crab was not only alive, but very feisty
I was very surprised when this crab was not only alive, but very feisty
Juvenile fourspot flounder
Juvenile fourspot flounder
We apparently just missed an epic squid battle...
We apparently just missed an epic squid battle...

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