Doing curls

Box crab

Squid ink cloud

Posing little octopus

Big stretch

So pretty

On the move

Arrived to a nice, calm cove and a super bright nearly full moon. We geared up and headed out the left side. After kicking SW for a bit and then S, I found the den of the octopus I had seen last week. Nobody was home, so I figured the little guy must be close. Sure enough, after searching around in the sand for a few minutes I found him out for a stroll. We followed him for awhile before he found his way home and settled in. We continued to wander mostly in circles seeing black sea bass, groups of squid, some big summer flounders, a large box crab, a couple pinkish moon snails (weird!), and a lobster. After that, we headed over to the wall to search for butterflyfish and more Winged Thecacera. I managed to find both, but it was pretty surgy on the wall so the photos weren't great of either. We then kicked out from the wall over toward the right side and found an unusual crab on "the cushion". We continued a little further and I found another octopus in the sand! We stayed with this one for a good long while before I got low on air and we had to head back. As we were swimming back in, I saw ANOTHER octopus in the sand and took a few snaps before continuing on. Crazy! The viz wasn't great again, but another long, productive dive.