Flying gurnard! First time I've ever seen one


Juvenile scorpionfish?

Juvenile scorpionfish?

Juvenile scorpionfish?

I kicked up some serious silt when we found this octopus near the wall. This is my best shot.

Sea robin

Arrived to a flat calm and super quiet cove. We geared up, hopped in, and swam the left side. Right after we got out of the eel grass, Paula found an octopus! We continued on out into no-man's land for awhile until we came across a flying gurnard - I've never seen one before! We continued out to the wall playing with the skates and squid along the way. Once we got there, I found what I believe is a juvenile scorpionfish. Paula called me over because she had found another octopus! This one was on the move. It crawled along and kept moving toward me so I had to keep backing up. I followed it around for probably 5 minutes before it returned to its den. We continued along the wall until I found a juvenile buttefly and then turned back. I found a box crab on the return trip which is always a fun find. The viz was pretty terrible, but this was still a fun dive.