Sea Lemon

Northern Cerianthid

Tiny Adalaria proxima

Sea Lemon

Pile of Sea Lemons (maybe 3?)

Dive #356 & 357: The weather had been bad all week, but it finally cleared up for us to get out. We geared up and headed out 30 - we saw some rim-backed nudis, some tiny aeolis, but the real star of the show were the sea lemons. They were everywhere! We saw pairs lumped together, some short and round, some long and skinny, some pinkish. Really every variety and large quantities. This was a nice, slow dive since we were stopping every 20 feet or so to snap pictures of yet another sea lemon. For dive #2, we suited back up and headed down to the water - I waded in, went to put my fins on and all of a sudden felt a big rush of cold water. Turns out I hadn't re-zipped my suit, so it was wide open. I hopped out, zipped up, and threw on the heated vest and managed a full dive without getting more cold than usual. This time we headed out to the mega-rock and hung a right to go check out the overhang rock. As usual, it was covered with anemones and dead man's fingers which were fun to see. As we headed back, I lost track of Andrea and she was off to the races, so I was working hard to catch up. This was a decent dive, but not as much nudi life as the first one. A good day overall!