Medium-sized moon snail
Medium-sized moon snail
Onchidoris muricata
Onchidoris muricata
Check out the tiny nudis and eggs in there! I think they're Eubrnachus olivaceus
Check out the tiny nudis and eggs in there! I think they're Eubrnachus olivaceus
Flabellina verrucosa
Flabellina verrucosa
Eubranchus pallidus
Eubranchus pallidus
Twelve-scaled worm
Twelve-scaled worm
Small moon snail cruising the sand
Small moon snail cruising the sand
The monster moon snail
The monster moon snail
This moon snail was about the size of my open hand
This moon snail was about the size of my open hand
Andrea lining up her shot of the massive moon snail
Andrea lining up her shot of the massive moon snail
Onchidoris muricata
Onchidoris muricata
Acadian hermit crab
Acadian hermit crab
Zebra lebbeid shrimp
Zebra lebbeid shrimp

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