Tiny lobster in the sand
Tiny lobster in the sand
Northern pipefish hanging out in an old mooring
Northern pipefish hanging out in an old mooring
Northern pipefish
Northern pipefish
Interesting flounder pattern
Interesting flounder pattern
Interesting flounder pattern
Interesting flounder pattern
Tiny juvenile hake
Tiny juvenile hake
Tiny juvenile hake
Tiny juvenile hake
Tiny juevnile hake
Tiny juevnile hake
'Murican Lobster
'Murican Lobster
Frilled anemone on the overhang
Frilled anemone on the overhang
Dead man's fingers (coral)
Dead man's fingers (coral)
Lots of lined anemones
Lots of lined anemones
Lined anemones on the wall
Lined anemones on the wall
Frilled anemones on the overhang
Frilled anemones on the overhang

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