Palio dubia

Some sort of hydromedusa

Flabellina verrucosa

Northern cerianthid

Busy little macro scene - Onchidoris billamellata and their eggs, a shrimp, and a worm

Dendronotus frondosus

Dive #373: There was a decent breeze, but it and the waves were from the S so we were good to go. We were a bit on the early side for tides, so we geared up sufficiently slowly for the tide to come in a little more. Entry was challenging as the rocks at the water line were coated with algae and very slippery. Once we got in though, conditions were nice - not much surge, pretty good viz. We cruised the shallows of the right side looking for nudis and found many different varieties. Toward the end of the dive, I found an egg string from a barnacle eating nudi and found the proud parent completely hidden below the string. I saw a few others with egg strings, but they were tough to photograph as always. Next time I need to remember to search them out! Also spotted several siphonophores and a hydromedusa species I haven't seen before. My attempts with the bottle snoot mostly failed, but I did get 1 good shot.