Fuzzy Onchidoris
Fuzzy Onchidoris
Rim-backed nudibranch
Rim-backed nudibranch
Lunar Dove Snails in the kelp
Lunar Dove Snails in the kelp
Tiny, chilly American Lobster
Tiny, chilly American Lobster
Rim-backed nudibranch
Rim-backed nudibranch
Moon snail working on its meal
Moon snail working on its meal
Tiny sand shrimp
Tiny sand shrimp
Pair of Northern Cerianthids
Pair of Northern Cerianthids
Looks like this frilled anemone caught a snack
Looks like this frilled anemone caught a snack
Shorthorn Sculpin
Shorthorn Sculpin
Frilled anemone
Frilled anemone

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