Jason blowing some bubbles

Jason and Kim cruisin

Green urchin with a stately kelp hat

We attempted the first dive at Burnham, but a strong surface current left us out of breath as we kicked hard to even reach the hang bar. We dropped down to the hang bar, but didn't feel comfortable enough to continue the dive so we aborted. The second dive was at Neverfail ledge, which was much more sheltered from the wind and waves. We easily kicked to the hang bar and dropped down the anchor line to the sand. We swam for about 10 minutes with no rocks in sight, so we made a slight course adjustment and eventually found a rocky slope much like the wall at Lanes Cove. It was covered with urchins, stars and tunicates, and the occasional lobster. I also spotted both Onchidoris bilamellata and Okenia ascidicola eggs, but was unable to find any parents. The real highlight of this dive was when Kim spotted an Ocean Pout. It was pretty patient with me as I snapped about 20 pictures, but it started to get a little bothered so I let it be. We all agreed it was time to turn around, but none of us knew which way the boat was. We decided to surface, located the boat, and surface swam all the way back. Bummer we missed out on the first dive, but a fun day with a good group.