Tiny crab on the end of a piece of eel grass

Juvenile scup

Squid sucking on a fishsicle

Huge hermit crab

Summer flounder

Arrived to lake conditions, clear skies, and a rising nearly full moon. We geared up, hopped in the water and cruised the eel grass for a bit. I didn't find too much until I noticed a tiny crab hanging on the edge of some grass. As I was trying to capture the crab, a coronetfish came right up to me seemingly asking to have its picture taken. It seemed very curious about my lights so I was able to get some really close shots. We continued on out the left side of the right cove for awhile seeing tons of squid including many munching on their snacks, large summer flounder (including one that snapped up a fish while I was watching), a filefish, a few northern puffers, an American eel, some box crabs, and I even got a look at a mantis shrimp, but only once before it disappeared further down its hole. As we were exiting, I took a few shots of some small squid in maybe 3 feet of water. Nice dive!