Sea Peach

Sea Peach

Rock Crab and Blood Star

Balloon :(

Dive #345: We hopped in the water and could tell right from the start that the viz was great. We surface swam over to the west wall and passed right over a ton of stripers in the shlallows. We saw the usual cast of crabs, frilled anemones, dead man's fingers, stars, and urchins on the way out to the point. When we reached the point, I was searching every surface for northern red anemones and scarlet psolus, but only managed a few psolus but they were closed up. We turned around and headed back to the wall. We were greeted with some more excitement in the shallows with a swirling school of maybe a hundred striped bass. We also spotted some northern pipefish and my personal highlight was the windowpane flounder on the hunt. Awesome dive!