Aeolidia papillosa

Absolutely beautiful surface conditions at 50F, bright sunshine, and flat calm seas. We geared up, hopped in, and headed out 45 to go find The Chimneys. I stopped to play with the snoot on a periwinkle in the shallows and my buddy tapped me - his fin had fallen off, so I reattached it, and on we went. We got out to a very shallow area with lots of rocks and interesting topography, but never did make it out to the Chimneys. On the way back, I found a big Aeolidia papilosa and just as I arrived, it was swept up by the surge. I tried to guide it back to the bottom with my hand and when I finally did, it was in a crevice I couldn't really photograph. Oh well! Not much to see but a great day for a dive. As we were gearing down and chatting with some other beachgoers, a coyote walked by and headed to the beach. Very unexpected...