Frilled Anemone

Northern Cerianthid

Lined Anemone

Scarlet Psolus

Frilled Anemone

Scarlet Psolus "licking" it's fingers

Famous Northern Red of Folly Cove looking slim today

Green Urchin

Atlantic Surf Clam

Dive #353: We were a bit nervous based on a howling wind, but surface conditions were perfect with the wind and waves coming out of the south. We headed over to the far wall on the hunt for nudis, since they had been spotted at other sites in the area. I didn't find any at all, so this ended up being a pretty quiet dive. We cruised the wall all the way out to the point, hitting 40 feet at low tide. Given the lack of activity, I figured I'd hunt for scarlet psolus at the point and was not disappointed. I got some nice video of a few feeding and then we cruised back. This was a nice, chill dive but not much to see. Scarlet Psolus video: https://youtu.be/X1oP3Ec9HCY, Northern Red video: https://youtu.be/KRu7PNLw37w