Hydroid cluster next to a porthole

Frilled anemone

Rock gunnel on deck

Hydroid cluster on the wreck

Moon snail on the move

Well camouflaged Arctic lyre crab

Tiny sea lemon

American Lobster

I grabbed a last minute spot on the Friday morning charter and was excited to get another crack at the Chester Poling and maybe catch a glimpse of its resident wolffish. We had a good scouting report on the location, but it wasn't home. Visibility was nice on the wreck and it was fun photographing all of the anemones (including a northern red!), hydroids, and sponges. I did forget to burp my wet lens before we descended and was unable to remove it at 90 feet, so my shots all had a water line in them. Nice dive, but still skunked on wolffish so far. We headed over to Neverfail for the lobstering crew, but we had a great critter dive. I remembered to burp the wide angle lens this time, but this dive was macro city. After not seeing nudis for a couple months, this dive had tons and they were all tiny. After finding tiny nudis in the knotted thread hydroids on a dive back in the spring, I have been religiously checking them on every single dive with no luck. This dive, it seemed like every patch I looked at had several nudis in there. At first, I avoided shooting them because I had the wide angle, but eventually I got sick of missing out on them so I resolved to shoot macro through the wide angle. None of the pictures are amazing, but it was really fun to see nudis again. Other highlights included a big moon snail, an incredibly well camouflaged arctic lyre crab, two sea lemons, and grubbies on every surface. This was an awesome dive!