F. verilli

Tubularian hydroid (i.e. nudi chow)

F. verilli laying the next generation

F. verrucosas feasting

F. verillis at the all-you-can-eat buffer

Onchidoris muricata

F. verilli

DIve #372: It was foggy and drizzling as we geared up, but the slack was nice and slow for us so this was a pretty easy dive. As we waded over, I spotted a seal floating out in the river - I was hoping it would come check us out while we were under, but no such luck. We finished wading over to the entry, popped on our fins and descended. Right away, we were greeted with a bunch of sea gooseberries of varying sizes in the water column. As we descended past the kelp area, we were greeted by the sea of hydroids and countless F. verillis, F. verrucosa, and a few D. frondosus, O. muricata, and A. gibbosa. There were egg strings everywhere and all of the nudis were fat and happy with their endless hydroid buffet. It was sensory overload - some of the verillis were purple, others were the more traditional reddish-pink, and still others were quite orange. Awesome dive!