Northern Cerianthid

Northern Cerianthid

Northern Star Coral

Northern Star Coral

Frilled Anemone

Frilled Anemone

Moon Snail on a collision course with a Northern Cerianthid

Purple-Spined Sea Urchin

Northern Star Coral

Northern Star Coral

Dive #305: First outdoor dive of 2020! It was a lovely day at Fort Wetherill. Well, other than the air temperature, which was 16F with the threat of an afternoon winter storm. The water was flat calm and at least it wasn't windy! We headed out the left cove, cruised around the point, and back into the right cove. The viz was so-so, probably 8 feet or so. We started out in a field of northern cerianthids. One of the cool things about Fort Wetherill is the abundance of northern star coral. It's on every surface and is just beautiful to look at. There were sporadic frilled anemones and also some tiny orange anemones. I liked the wall that dropped to about 40 feet - tons of anemones and star coral on there. Overall, not a ton to see and my hands and feet were super frozen, but good to get out and blow some bubbles.