Tides were bad and wind conditions looked rough around Cape Ann so we decided to mix it up and try the Dog Bar Breakwater. Given the location, it's pretty sheltered and made for an easy dive in the offseason. We suited up, walked down onto the rocky beach and followed a sandy path down to the water. We hopped in and cruised along the breakwater, which is loaded with crevices and defunct lobster traps, which had tons of tunicates, tons of lined anemones, some nudis and some frilled anemones, but they were pretty tucked in. The viz was cloudy in the shallows but opened up a lot as we cruised along the wall. We found aoelis in orange and purple, piles of skeleton shrimp, a few Dendronotus frondosus and a single specimen of a species of hydromedusa I haven't seen before. All in all, this was a nice way to spend a half empty tank on a day where conditions weren't really good enough for diving.