Puffed Northern Puffer

Puffed Northern Puffer

Summer Flounder

Ocellate Lady Crab

Ocellate Lady Crab burying in the sand

Ocellate Lady Crab peeking out of the sand

Dive #346 & 347: I hit some traffic on my way up, so we started our pre-night dive a little late. We hopped in for a short dive along the right wall and found an Atlantic Torpedo Ray! He was on the move when we spotted him and then settled into the sand before heading out to the middle of the cove. We swam with him for over 10 minutes before turning back. Any dive with a torpedo is a good one! We hit the water just after sunset for dive number two and headed back out to the middle. We didn't find another torpedo, but we did find a huge group of puffers. They were drawn to the lights so they all seemed to gather around if we sat still for a bit. I also saw several puff, which was a first for me. I didn't intentionally agitate them, but I did feel a bit bad as I was snapping adorable pictures of them. Fun dives as usual. Folly continues to deliver.