Flabellina verrucosa

Placida dendritica

Moon Snail engulfing its snack

Palio dubia

West Wall Northern Red Anemone

Hermit crab catching a ride on a sea lemon

Moon Snail

Northern Cerianthid

Flabellina verrucosa

Northern Pipefish


Dive #354 & 355: Instead of heading to retail stores, we headed to Folly Cove for some Black Friday diving. We headed out to the left wall where we found a diverse collection of nudis including several different colors of sea lemons. My highlight for this dive was the Placida dendritica (sap-sucking sea slugs) all over the algae in the shallows. They seemed to be on every stalk after having seen them maybe once or twice before. I visited and fed the northern red on the wall, which promptly swallowed the tunicate without even closing. The second dive started on the right side and then we kicked over to the middle reef. We saw most of the same nudis as the first dive, but not as dense. The real highlight of this dive was the small lumpfish! It was a bit tough to photograph since it was constantly swimming and attempting to disappear under my body, but eventually it settled on a piece of kelp and then my glove briefly - very cute! As usual, two good dives at Folly!