Onchidoris bilamellata pile with eggs

Rough barnacles coverage a club tunicate

Knotted thread hydroids with what I believe is a Eubranchus olivaceus

Onchidoris bilamellata

Met up with Jason and Andrea for a morning dive at OGB. The air felt like mid-August, so we geared up as quickly as possible. We headed out 60 and were greeted with suboptimal viz in the shallows, but much better viz out in the rocky reef and beyond. We spotted numerous moon snails, crabs, and quite a few groups of Onchidoris bilamellata with their eggs. I saw some egg corkscrews from the Okenia ascidicola, but was unable to actually find one. My most interesting find was a tiny tiny nudi among the knotted thread anemones on a piece of kelp. Jason held the kelp, but with the surge and both of us moving I wasn't really able to get a clear enough shot to ID it. This is now the second time I've spotted them, so I'm confident I'll get another chance. Didn't get too many pictures, but this was a nice, chill dive.