Dendronotus frondosus
Dendronotus frondosus
Sea vase
Sea vase
Zebra lebbid shrimp
Zebra lebbid shrimp
I like the out of focus hydroid and the in-focus nudi
I like the out of focus hydroid and the in-focus nudi
Dendronotus frondosus climbing threaded hydroid
Dendronotus frondosus climbing threaded hydroid
Nudibranch in free fall
Nudibranch in free fall
Northern cerianthid on the bottom
Northern cerianthid on the bottom
Dendronotus frondosus climbing through the algae
Dendronotus frondosus climbing through the algae
Not a particularly interesting shot, but I like the sense of scale it gives for some of the other shots
Not a particularly interesting shot, but I like the sense of scale it gives for some of the other shots

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