Frilled anemone

Large silty hermit crab peeking out

Large silty hermit crab

Terrible picture, but the best shot I have of Elysia chlorotica

Tightly packed group of sea vases

Met up with some buddies for a dip at Fort Constitution. We hopped in around an hour before slack tide and submerged into lousy viz. We cruised around in the sand for a bit to look for Elysia chlorotica. My buddy found one and I snapped a few pictures that turned out to be terrible. We continued on under the pier and found a single sea lemon, tons of giant sea stars, and numerous small anemones on the ground. All of a sudden, my buddy took off kicking hard. I followed him and when he stopped, he turned around and excitedly made a wave motion. I didn't know what he meant, but we turned back and kicked out into the sand to wander around some more. I found a burrowing anemone, which was a new find for me and we had to surface to check our navigation. I was totally frozen, so I surface swam back while my buddy swam back on the bottom. SUPER chilly dive, mediocre viz, but still fun to kick around under the pier.