Snails on some kelp

Grumpy lobster

Fuzzy crab

Jeb digging for a lobster

Little grubby

Big lobster

But of course, eggs

Dive #277: Rough conditions knocked out any north-facing sites, so we ended up at Pebble. The beach was absolutely covered in red seaweed, which turned out to be a pretty good indication of underwater conditions. We surface swam out for a bit and then dropped down into miserable viz. We kept swimming out to the first reef without much visibility improvement. We headed east down the reef and finally found some better visibility out at the second reef. Jeb found a few keepers and a few huge eggers while I snapped a bunch of blurry pictures. We headed back in through the awful viz and managed to navigate our way home with the current. Not a great dive, but glad we found somewhere to splash rather than heading right home.